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Water-Soluble CBD

When choosing a tea to drink that includes CBD, there’s a lot to consider. Because oil and water don’t mix, CBD oil-based teas cannot extract in hot water. Because we wanted to provide our customers with a highly bioavailable CBD tea, we sourced a broad spectrum, water-soluble CBD powder and incorporated it into six uniquely crafted teas. Promising optimum bioavailability and maximum absorption, our 100% THC-free CBD teas bring variety, while providing important benefits, sure to meet anyone’s health and pleasure needs. Finally, because cannabinoids need fat to be absorbed in the small intestine, make sure to enjoy your CBD Buddha Teas with, or directly after, a meal or light snack that contains some dietary fat.<>/p>

Some CBD Facts

  1. CBD doesn’t make you high. Although CBD is only one of more than 60 recognized cannabis compounds that have been used medicinally for centuries, recent breeders have figured out how to isolate the CBD from its psychoactive partners. This is why hemp-derived CBD has become a legal way to calm down!
  2. 50+ CBD Benefits have been touted, even though nobody can legally tell you any of them are true. One highly publicized outcome from CBD usage is the reduction of epileptic seizures. CBD has also been reported to reduce inflammation. As well, CBD has shown to be useful to those with conditions that produce nausea.
  3. If you didn’t know that the human body has its own endocannabinoid system (part of our neurotransmitter system), now’s the time to learn. What does this mean? The endocannabinoid system is a biological system comprised of cannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors, and enzymes that break down the cannabinoids. The reason cannabis treats so many conditions is because the cannabinoids it releases into our bodies stimulate the endocannabinoid system, and that stimulation is like a shot of “feel good.”
  4. Our remarkable human bodies are born with the ability to produce cannabinoids all on their own. We have two receptors, CB1 and CB2 receptors, and when we ingest CBD, it attaches to these receptors to create the effects. CB1 receptors are found in the brain and are activated with THC, the marijuana part that gets you high. But the CB2 receptors, more common in the immune system, deal with how we experience pain and inflammation. What has been more recently revealed, however, is that CBD influences the body to use more of its own cannabinoids.

A Brief Review of our CBD Products

CBD Chamomile Blend Tea

The synergistic creation of Buddha Teas’ CBD Chamomile Blend is, simply put, sublime. Meaning, alone, each individual component brings its own unique contribution, but together, this unique blend of organic chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm, provides a potent reminder of the power of teamwork. Crafted so that no one element overpowers another, and fortified with 5 mg of water-soluble CBD, this delightful cup of calm will fast become the tea you seek throughout the day, but most especially when relaxation is on call.

Buy CBD Chamomile Blend

CBD Matcha Green Tea

Buddha Teas CBD Matcha Green Tea just might be the silkiest, most pleasurable green tea you’ll ever enjoy. What’s more, by drinking this smooth and delicate blend, you are nurturing your body’s need, and your mind’s desire, to calm down! By helping to reduce the free radicals swimming through your blood, and layering this benefit with the bioavailability of our uniquely-processed water-soluble CBD, we are confident that Buddha Teas CBD Matcha Green Tea will become the newest addition to your daily health (and pleasure!) routine.

Buy CBD Matcha Green Tea

CBD Peppermint Tea

If peppermint ranks high on your “go-to” tea list, you are aware that flavor profiles vary. Questions you may want to ask: Was the peppermint cultivated without pesticide? Did you use filtered water and a full boil? Is the tea fresh and additive free? Is the teabag bleach-free? Buddha Teas CBD Peppermint Tea not only includes some of the freshest, highest quality peppermint available, packaged without using bleach in the teabags (like all of our teas), it is enhanced with 5 mg of water-soluble CBD, which rounds out this cup of cool to make it the refreshing cup you’ll seek at mealtime, before bed, or whenever that feeling of aah is the goal.

Buy CBD Peppermint Tea

CBD Turmeric Ginger Tea

Used medicinally for thousands of years, turmeric is widely known as a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, whose earthy notes settle the mind and calm the soul. When combined with spicy ginger, and assisted by black pepper, the healing potential magnifies. Add a kind dose of our water-soluble CBD, and the results are a stunning cup of ancient, yet modern delight. *Finally, our CBD Turmeric & Ginger Tea has been tested to reveal zero percent THC.

Buy CBD Turmeric Ginger Tea

CBD Tea Bundle

Want to drink your CBD but can’t decide which CBD Buddha Teas to try first? Because each of our four distinct CBD Teas boasts its own flavor profile and benefits, why choose? We’re happy to present all four selections for one great price, which allows you to check in with yourself throughout the day and decide in the moment which blend will serve you best. With our innovative, bioavailable water-soluble CBD included in each bleach-free tea bag, all you need do is heat fresh water to the right temp, let steep 3-6 minutes, then cozy in and enjoy.

Buy CBD Tea Bundle